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How to Keep Your Gmail Contacts Synced with Your iPhone


As a Google Apps for Business client (a paid, cloud-based productivity suite that helps you and your team connect and get work done from anywhere on any device using ad-free Gmail), I was seeing that my Gmail contacts were rarely identical to my iPhone contacts. The number of contacts I had in my Gmail contacts was nowhere close to the number of my iPhone contacts. This problem happens because when I receive an email from someone in Gmail and add them to my contacts, it didn't always sync with my iPhone contacts. You'd think it would; but it doesn't. And the same thing happens when I add a contact on my iPhone. 


I called Apple; but the solutions they gave me didn't work, so I turned to the App Store.  

The sync solution

Contacts Sync For Google Gmail ($2.99), is an app that does exactly what it's supposed to do. When you run it, it scans your Gmail contacts and your iPhone contacts and then makes them the same.  

Once the app is installed and you have logged into your Gmail account, you have several options:

  • Two-way Sync (Gmail to iPhone/iPhone to Gmail)
  • Gmail Contacts to iPhone
  • iPhone Contacts to Gmail
  • Manual Sync
  • Facebook Contacts to Gmail

I have not had any problems with this app as of the date of this post.

Note: this app does not run automatically or in the background. You must manually run it (I run mine whenever I think about it, which is often because I have a lot of contacts and it is important to keep them in sync).

When you do the two-way Sync, Contacts Sync For Google Gmail will tell you if there are duplicate contacts in Gmail before you sync them with your iPhone contacts. At this point, you can cancel the sync, go into Gmail to find and merge duplicate contacts, and then run the sync, OR you can just tell the app to continue anyway.

Why I choose Contacts Sync For Google Gmail

When searching for apps in the App Store that claimed to sync Gmail contacts with iPhone contacts, the free apps received poor reviews. Contacts Sync For Google Gmail had several 5-star reviews. Disclosure: I didn't spend a lot of time searching for the perfect app; nor did I try any poorly reviewed apps. Once I installed the Contacts Sync For Google Gmail app and found that it worked as described, I was happy.

Rube Goldberg App Is an Elegantly Complex Invention!


I've been a fan of Rube Goldberg's drawings of overly complicated inventions since I first saw one. Now, through the magic of the iPad and Rube Works ($2.99), you can recreate some of his inventions, using an elegant, sophisticated interface.

If you're not familiar with Rube Goldberg, you owe it to yourself to do a Google search. Basically, he takes simple tasks, like an alarm to wake you up, and combines a plethora of obscure devices and even animals to accomplish the task! Rube Goldberg machines are far more complex than they need to be, and that's the point.

With the Rube Works app, you need to create an invention that performs the stated task, using the materials available. There are multiple ways to solve the puzzle, and if you use all of the tools, you get full credit.

Rube Works is a challenging and fun game that can also teach the user about physics and logic, while not appearing to be an educational app. Rube Works makes the iPad a great learning tool and I highly recommend this beautiful and well made app.

December 16th Biweekly Giveaway!


This is the official announcement of the iPhone life Biweekly Giveaway! Be sure to enter the giveaway at iphoneLife.com/giveaways to win prizes, which we'll announce December 2nd! We are raffling off tons of great apps and accessories for FREE.

Here's how it works: Every other Friday we will announce the prizes we're giving away through iphonelife.com, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. To enter the giveaway, go to iphoneLife.com/giveaways. On the following Monday morning, we will randomly select the winners. If you win an app, we will email you the promo code to redeem the app for free. If you win an accessory, send us your address and we will mail it to you.


This weeks featured items are:

1. Otterbox Defender Series iPad Case

The Defender Series iPad case employs multi-layer technology built with high-quality materials to create a rock-solid protective solution. The inner shell of the iPad case is composed of high-impact polycarbonate and includes a foam interior that delivers added shock absorption and protects the back of your iPad from scratches. The rugged silicone outer-layer absorbs impact from bumps and shocks while the textured exterior provides enhanced grip. The built-in screen protector prevents scratches, smudges, and fingerprints from getting on your screen. The integrated shield stand acts as a protective cover on the front or the back and doubles as a kickstand for typing or viewing. Get protection that inspires confidence with the Defender Series iPad case from OtterBox.


2. Zmart Universal Remote (2 count): Retail Price $19.99

The Zmart Remote fits into the jack of your iOS and Android Devices and setup takes less than a minute. Whether you are trying to choose which TV show to watch, need to pause the movie to pop some popcorn, or want to skip to your favorite song on a CD, you can now do all of this with your smartphone. Zmart is the world's SMALLEST UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL. It allows you to control a combination of more than 200,000 devices (95 percent of brands on the market). For those hard to find brands or devices, the Zmart Remote has a Learn-In Command that allows your phone to learn the functions of your existing remote. This makes it the MOST POWERFUL and EASIEST TO USE universal remote ever. 


3. Wood S Series Case in Ebony for iPhone 5/5s: Retail Price $39.95

This Apple Store exclusive is made of multi-layers of real wood veneer infused with DuPont™ Kevlar® outer shell protection, 0.9mm thin, lightweight case with scratch-resistant coating.


Questions or comments? Email Brian@iphonelife.com. Good luck and remember to visit iphonelife.com/giveaways to enter! Also check out our other contests at iphonelife.com/contests. The next contest drawing is December 16th!

We Have a Winner! Announcing the Results of our iPad Air Giveaway


A big thank you to everyone who entered our iPad Air Giveaway! We had so much fun hearing from everyone who entered that we wish we could give an iPad to all of you. 

And the winner of the iPhone Life iPad Air Giveaway is...


Julia Gutierrez!


Congratulations! Enjoy your new iPad Air and let us know what fun plans you have for it.


If you didn't win an iPad this time, stay tuned for our next giveaway which starts tomorrow and will be even bigger and better!

Watch Your Neck App Helps You Avoid Text Neck


With over 2.19 trillion text messages sent annually, there’s a little known condition that is plaguing smartphone users known as "text neck." The injury involves stiffness in your neck and shoulders and typically is caused by excessive smartphone usage.

A 2011 study published in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics found that 53 percent of mobile phone users suffer numbness or neck aches. Another study led by Erik Peper of San Francisco State University showed that 84 percent of subjects reported some hand and neck pain during texting. Moreover subjects also displayed other signs of tension, like holding their breath and increased heart rates.

To avoid text neck, it is recommended that you hold your phone up directly in front of your mouth instead of looking down, and position it at a proper reading angle. It is also recommended that you take frequent and regular breaks.

A new app called Watch Your Neck wants to help you improve your posture to avoid Text Neck. The app has a built-in neck tracker that will signal if your phone is tilted too far back. The signal will turn green when you are properly holding your phone.

Watch Your Neck

You can also turn on background monitoring, so the app can alert you as you text, email, or play your favorite iPhone games. In addition, the app comes with instructions to three different neck exercises. Each exercise is accompanied with a YouTube instructional video along with a timer.

Watch Your Neck Exercises

As a father of a 5-year-old whose son loves to play on the iPad in all sorts of positions, I love the idea for this app.

Watch Your Neck is currently free in the App Store and supports iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. However, the app does require you to have iOS 7.

Top 3 App Deals of the Week


As new iOS apps flood the App Store every day — recently topping 1,000,000 — we know it’s tough to tell which ones are worth their salt. But thanks to our Weekly Scoop, you can have the best for free! Here you’ll find a weekly roundup of the coolest apps free or at a discount for a limited-time only. Each week features the best and brightest from websites like Free App ReportAppsGoneFree, appsfire, and more.

Hurry! Get 'em while they’re hot!

1. Virtual Piggy Mobile(free)

Virtual Piggy is a great app that helps kids and teens learn how to save, spend, and give online under close parental guidance. Having this “digital wallet” for the family allows parents the ability to approve transactions kids want to make so that money is spent wisely and responsibly.

2. Tweetbot 3 for Twitter($2.99)

Offered at a discount for a limited time only, this app is a full-featured Twitter client that’s been redesigned to work with iOS 7. This version has a look and feel that integrates beautifully with that of iOS 7, but it’s also faster and has more features!

3. GiftPlannerfree)

This is the perfect app for holiday shopping! Easily keep track of your gift ideas, stores, prices, purchase statuses, order and tracking numbers, and more in one app. GiftPlanner also allows you add gifts to your list straight from your web browser, keep track of birthdays and anniversaries, and watch your budget. 

From the GRAY Side: What Older iUsers Want


As I enter my senior years, I am more attentive to age-related things. I watch how older users compensate for age deterioration: oral repetition, word association, and finger counting. iDevices should consider compensatory changes relative to older people: easier-to-use function keys, simpler operating procedures, larger fonts, and more focused menus to name a few suggestions.

Recently I attended a smartphone workshop at my local library. I attended the workshop to polish my own iPhone skills thinking that “older” people can use all the help they can get with these electronic devices. I thought this social group lacks the facility and acuity of younger users. Man, were my eyes opened!

The majority of workshop attendees were seniors; but to my great surprise, they were far more tuned in to the new world of technology than I had given them credit. I owe them an apology, big time. These people are very aware of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, along with other communications and productivity apps such as Face Time, Skype, Photos, and Photoshop. About the only thing they do not readily share with the younger generation is patience. Seniors see time as being too precious to be wasted. Therefore, they are reluctant to use apps with steep learning curves; though they are as capable of learning as any other group if they see a need to do so. Every app is evaluated from the "value to me" perspective: “What good is it for me? How will it improve my communication with my children and/or grandchildren? How will it impact my budget?” I was surprised to hear how this older group monitors data usage on their phones and its related costs. Even more surprising, they were constructively critical of many social networking apps: Skype or Face Time ranked much higher in value than Facebook, which was viewed as a time waster rather than an effective communications tool. In their view, Twitter was also of limited value because of its text limitation.

My new view of my fellow seniors is that they are far more astute and tuned in to the new electronic world than I first thought. Given this new outlook, I will be writing about apps that really meet the needs and goals of older people. Like many users, seniors also want the quickest, easiest, and biggest bang for their buck but they want this now; not because they are impatient, far from it. They want to get the most out of their RT (remaining time.) Hence, they do not want iDevices or iDevice apps that may waste any of their precious time. 

With my new outlook in mind, here is my first review "from the gray side!”


Alarmed – Reminders + Timers (free)

4.5 out of 5 stars

This app is much more than its appearance suggests. It is more than a simple alarm clock and it does what it is supposed to do very effectively and practically. It is two apps in one: a reminder and a timer. It is simple to use, with a straightforward and quick setup for either the reminder or the timer alarms. One chooses whether they want a reminder for some future event or if they want an alarm to signal the passage of a certain amount of time.

iPhone Screenshot 1

The Reminder

Setting up a reminder is a simple task. Choose the Reminder icon and then the + symbol. Enter the information for your reminder—a useful title, the date and time for the alarm to notify you—and press Done. That’s it. Simple, clean, and very efficient.

The Timer

Similarly, the timer feature of the app is as easy to set up and use. Choose the Timer icon and then the + symbol. Using the scale at the bottom of the screen, scroll in the needed allotment of time, add in a descriptive title, and press Done. Your timer is set; nothing could be easier.

The app does have some additional bells and whistles but none are crucial nor do any need to be used. You can view a history of completed Reminders and/or currently active Timers; you can choose the sound of your alarm; and that is about it.

The app allows for some personal customization and even includes a user manual — many people feel more secure with a built-in manual readily at hand.

I have used numerous reminder/alarm/timer apps, many of which have nice added features like color, or priority designation, but none gives more bang for the buck than this one.

iPhone Life and Monster Are Teaming Up to Give You a Gold iPhone 5s!


iPhone Life has partnered with Monster to give away an unlocked gold iPhone 5s and a pair of Monster Active Noise Cancelling Inspiration Headphones to our readers! That's a retail value of almost $1000!

Here's how the giveaway works: enter your email at the GIVEAWAY PAGE. Earn one additional entry each time you share the giveaway with a friend via email, Facebook, or Twitter. Get 10 more entries every time someone you shared with signs up. There is no limit to the number of additional entries you can get by sharing the giveaway; so if you go all out, your chances of winning will shoot off the charts!

And if a friend you referred wins the iPhone 5s and Monster Inspiration Headphones, you'll win a pair of Monster Inspiration Headphones too!

So don't dilly dally, ENTER NOW and start sharing before the contest ends on December 20!

Love fine print? Read the full giveaway rules HERE!

What's in the Magazine: Jan-Feb Issue of iPhone Life Hits the Newstands


The latest issue of iPhone Life magazine is available digitally on December 11 and at newsstands on December 17!

The Jan-Feb issue features the best fitness accessories for the iLifestyle, iUser profiles, tips on designing apps for iOS 7, product reviews, and other magazine-exclusive content you won't want to miss including:

Healthy New You

It happens every New Year—millions of people resolve that this is the year they are finally going to get fit and healthy, but find themselves going back to old habits within a few months. iPhone Life has got readers' backs with this roundup of expert tips, app recommendations, iUser success stories, and more to help you lose weight, eat healthily, and achieve balance in 2014. 

New iPads: Thinner, Lighter, Faster

Jim Karpen takes an in-depth look at all the cool features of the new iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display, while David Averbach explores the bigger picture, asking how significant the latest improvements are, whether readers should upgrade, and what model iPad they should buy.

iOS 7 Tips & Tricks

Alex Cequea continues his mission to help readers harness the full powers of their amazing iPhones and iPads. This month Alex covers enabling an Emoji keyboard, using AirPlay, setting up LED flashlight alerts, mastering the Camera app's new Burst Mode, and more. 

Cruisin' in the Tech Age

It's a mobile world and General Motors knows it. Daniel W. Rasmus covers GM's efforts to integrate smartphone technology into their cars. Find out how to choose the perfect car (for your iPhone!) and how to make the most of your iPhone-enhanced driving experience.

Rule the Office

Have you vowed to make 2014 the year you get that big promotion? Rebecca Santiago covers all the apps and accessories you need to rule the office in her humorous guide to becoming a professional.


iPhone Life magazine is available at newsstands worldwide, digitally through Apple newsstand and Zinio, and nationally through outlets such as Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart. Subscribe today!

Tetris Creator Sees if Lightning Can Strike Twice with DWICE


Just like Tetris, the iPhone and iPad took the world by storm and copycats abound. Now Alexey Pajitnov, the creator of Tetris, has released an iOS app, DWICE ($1.99), that bears some similarity to his original creation and adds a modern, space-age feel.

As with Tetris, falling objects need to be arranged efficiently and quickly; but with DWICE, the user must swipe to connect matching falling geometric shapes with each other, and not touch different objects. While Tetris needed a few buttons or keys on a keyboard, DWICE is a game meant for the touchscreen, and its time has come.

Like Tetris, the object of DWICE is simple to understand, but it takes strategy, experience, and fast fingers to master. While the Tetris interface was "blocky" to say the least, DWICE is an elegant mix of neon and outer space imagery that is more like Tron than Tetris.

Back in the day, Tetris was like Candy Crush, Bejeweled, and Angry Birds, all rolled into one. Everyone played it, and it was expected that it would be ported to any serious platform. Now the competition is fierce, and with a million apps, it's hard to stand out. But DWICE is a well-designed, beautiful game that's worth checking out to see how far we've come!

Lifeproof's Holiday Sale Continues, Exclusively for iPhone Lifers!


Lifeproof's Holiday Sale Continues, Exclusively for iPhone Lifers!

Lifeproof makes some of the best iDevice cases on the market. Their cases are among the most protective, most versatile, most durable, and most functional I have ever come across. And with all of the color and style options available, there is something for just about everyone. Now, in celebration of the holidays, Lifeproof has extended a special offer to iPhone Life readers. For a limited time, our readers will get an exclusive special 10 precent discount on the purchase of Lifeproof products at their website. Read on for more details...

Lifeproof's Holiday Sale Continues, Exclusively for iPhone Lifers!

Whether you want a bright and colorful case to complement your iPhone 5c; or a waterproof case for your 5s that allows you to use your Touch ID feature; or a waterproof case that doesn't require a plastic screen over your iDevice's glass touchscreen; Lifeproof has something to fit your needs and tastes.

Lifeproof basically has two main categories of iDevice cases: the frē, which offers waterproof, shock-proof, and dirt-proof protection in a case that includes a clear plastic touchscreen protector built into its design, and the nuud, which offers the same level of protection, but in a case that allows unobstructed access to your iDevice’s glass touchscreen.

There are no other cases on the market that give users the option of having the most protective case, while still interacting directly with the glass touchscreen, sans plastic barrier. Lifeproof achieved this feat with revolutionary technology that incorporates an O-ring seal around the case’s front plate, which when compressed against an iDevice’s glass screen, effectively seals out the intrusion of any liquid or debris. So for those of you who appreciate having a highly protective case for your precious iDevice, but despise the plastic screens that so many protective cases include, the nuud is the perfect choice for you.

And Lifeproof is also the first case maker to market with a fully protective, fully functional, full-time use iPhone case that supports the Touch ID feature on the iPhone 5s. Available in both the nuud and frē models, the home button on the iPhone 5s is, in both instances, covered by a thin plastic window, equipped with almost invisible fingerprint sensors, allowing you to use this new feature of Apple’s flagship iPhone with natural ease.

Lifeproof's Holiday Sale Continues, Exclusively for iPhone Lifers!

Both the nuud (pictured directly above) and the frē Lifeproof cases are available for all iDevices, except the larger iPad Air and the iPads 2–4, which only have the option of the Lifeproof nuud, with its naked touchscreen interface. Perhaps the lack of a built-in touchscreen protector in the Lifeproof cases for the iPad Air and iPads 2-4 is due to the larger screen space of the iPad Air and the iPad 2-4; but if I had any suggestion for Lifeproof, it would be to go ahead and create a frē model for the iPad Air and the iPads 2-4. I believe that iDevice owners would appreciate the option of having a built-in screen protector on their larger iDevices, as well as on smaller ones like the iPhone and iPad mini. I know I would, as I tend to be quite rough on my iDevices, and the added protection of a built-in screen protector goes a long way to keep my iPad’s glass screen scratch free. And a scratch free glass screen is a huge bonus when it inevitably comes time to sell or trade in an iDevice for the newest  latest and greatest model.

From now until Christmas, iPhone Life readers can get 10 percent off online orders of all Lifeproof products. Simply go to the Lifeproof site and select the Lifeproof items you want to order and when prompted, enter the following coupon code:  iphonelife10.

A Lifeproof case makes a great gift for anyone you know who is getting a new iPhone as a holiday gift; or for yourself, for that shiny, and all-too-easy to damage iDevice.

Lifeproof's Holiday Sale Continues, Exclusively for iPhone Lifers!

JumpStart's Madagascar Math Ops Makes Math Magical


I have a special place in my heart for JumpStart learning programs. My kids grew up on the Toddler series and popped those CDs in our old PC like they were pop tarts in a toaster. But this is a post-PC era, and touch screens and apps are all the rage.

Fortunately, JumpStart has changed with the times and they offer a plethora of iOS apps that leverage the touch screen as well as relationships with Dreamworks and their Madagascar characters. Jumpstart offers apps that teach ABC's, math and more.

One of their apps, Math Ops ($2.99), is part math class and part Angry Birds. I never understood why you had to use a slingshot to shoot birds that can fly on their own, but with the flightless penguins of Madagascar, it now makes sense!

You can think of the Angry Birds style of gaming as a mini game to be earned between educational math lessons, or think of it as an arcade game with mini education lessons between rounds of gaming! Whatever it takes to make kids enjoy learning!

There are parental aspects to the app, so you can track your child's progress. It is a bit intrusive, as younger kids will probably want to get in to the game immediately, but you can ignore and bypass the parental options if you wish.

I'm glad to see JumpStart has adapted to new technology and their series of apps can help your children adapt to learning in a way that feels like gaming!

PayPal's 'Digital Gift Store' Launch Featuring iTunes


Holiday shopping may have gotten a bit smoother thanks to the news from e-commerce giant PayPal. They have announced a new 'Digital Gifts Store' service, and the first product that's available? iTunes. One caveat? The Digital Gift Store can only process transactions within the United States, so international customers are left out for now. While the store doesn't have much besides Apple's media service to offer, it might not matter when seen in a broader scope. 

For one, PayPal's move is timely since they announced that they would offer prepaid gift cards a week ago. In addition, recent statistics revealed that Apple users on iPhones AND iPads accounted for 82 percent of all mobile shopping on Black Friday, so it seems to be a very shrewd move to make. Given that other outlets have only scratched the surface of digital gifting in regards to it being a reward(survey sites like e-Rewards & Tango Card for example), the Digital Gift Store by PayPal may just be a match made in heaven for everyone involved.

Phiaton PS 20 Noise Canceling Earbuds Review


Phiaton PS 20 Noise Canceling Earbuds ($49.99 on Amazon)

4 out of 5 stars

These earbuds are not only attractive, but they also block 95 percent of outside noise.

I received a review unit and was surprised at how well these earbuds worked. I never thought a pair of earbuds could accomplish almost the same thing as a pair of over-the-ear headphones.

Granted, I didn't get the same amount of noise cancellation as I do whenever I listen to my husband's pair of Bose headphones, but the PS 20 NC's were impressive nonetheless.

The sound quality was terrific and I enjoyed listening to my music while sitting on the couch without being bothered while my kids were watching SpongeBob on the TV. I look forward to using them next time I take a plane trip. 

The PS 20 NC's have a unique half in-ear design that delivers good quality bass and treble equalization. They fit snugly just outside the ear canal. I wore them while walking and moving about and they didn't slip out.

The applied dynamic speaker driver uses what Phiaton calls Acoustic Transducer Technology to allow for audio improvement among all music genres.

The earbuds have an "EverPlay" feature that allows you to continue listening to your music even if the battery runs out.

The noise reduction controller has a clip you can use to attach it to your clothing or backpack. It adds weight to the headphones so it is necessary to clip it to something while you're listening and not just leave it hanging because it pulls on the earbud. 

The PS 20 NC's come with an adaptor for use on airplanes, four sizes of silicone ear tips, and a fabric carrying case. They are available in glossy black or glossy white.


• Excellent noise blockage
• Attractive earbud design
• Still emits sound even if battery is depleted

• Noise reduction controller is weighty

The Final Verdict: I believe the PS 20 NC's allow listeners to enjoy great sound quality while blocking outside noise at an exceptional price. 

Ahoy, Mateys! Time for Another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates, News, and Oh Yes, Pirates!


Game Centered December 2013

Happy Holidays gamers, and welcome to the latest installment of Game Centered. Game Centered features roundups and in-depth reviews of the best in iOS games and related gaming news. Among the App Store’s myriad games, it’s all too easy to overlook some of the greats. Each installment of Game Centered will take a close look at a select few worthy of special recognition. This week's installment brings news of what promises to be a new, award-winning game set within the Game of Thrones universe, as well as update news and a review of the latest Assassin's Creed iteration. And don't forget, the App Store allows you to gift apps, something to keep in mind as you read on...

New Game Making Waves: Assassin’s Creed: Pirates ($4.99)

4 out of 5 stars

Ahoy Mateys, Winter is Coming!Time for another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates,

While I'm still patiently waiting the next installment of the hit RPG Assassin’s Creed to hit iOS, this latest iteration is certainly doing its part to help me pass the time. If you have any swashbuckler’s blood flowing through your veins (and I do) you will love this seafaring tale of piracy on the Caribbean seas.

Ahoy Mateys, Winter is Coming!Time for another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates,

In Assassin’s Creed: Pirates you play as the character Alonzo Batilla as he pillages and plunders his way up the ranks to become one of the most feared and powerful pirates of the Caribbean.

While there is plenty of storyline to follow, mostly told in stiff but intriguing animated cutscenes, I would have enjoyed this game more if the story were more integrated into the actual gameplay, as opposed to a little story snippet wedged between all but unconnected battles. The battles don't want for action though; and even though some control elements seem a little too easy, the battles that you engage in will definitely get your blood boiling, as you take on increasingly challenging adversaries on the high seas in varying weather conditions.

Ahoy Mateys, Winter is Coming!Time for another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates,

The graphics of Assassins: Pirates are awesome. You do much of your navigating at the helm of whatever sailing vessel you happen to have commandeered; and between your crew bustling around on deck, the changing weather, and the rolling seas—all rendered in minute detail—it's not hard to suspend disbelief and fully immerse yourself in this swashbuckling tale. In fact, if you are prone to motion sickness, this game could make you a little shaky in the knees, until you get your sea legs about you that is.

Ahoy Mateys, Winter is Coming!Time for another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates,

Gameplay is inventive; you'll switch between first-person navigating, top-down navigation, and third-person sidelong perspective for your ship-to-ship battle. It's unique and enthralling and totally appeals to my love of high seas action and adventure. In fact, playing Assassin’s Creed: Pirates, really makes me wish that someone would go ahead and make a Pirates of the Caribbean RPG along these lines.

Despite this game’s somewhat limited plot and lifeless cutscenes I am really enjoying playing it as often as I am able.


First Major Updates: Oceanhorn ($8.99) and Epoch.2 ($5.99)

Game Centered December 2013Game Centered December 2013

Two of the app store’s best games, Oceanhorn, a Zelda-esque RPG, and Epoch.2, a post apocalyptic shooter, received updates recently to support the higher resolution graphic capabilities of the 64-bit chips that the newest iDevices come with

Along with these improvements, both games have been tweaked and refined, with numerous bug fixes. Notably, Oceanhorn now runs at a stunning 60 FPS on the iPad mini with Retina; and in the case of Epoch.2, you’ll find slightly easier gameplay, making it less of a grind to advance without in-app purchases.

Both of these games are, in my opinion, excellent, and well worth the investment, as they truly show off how absolutely amazing iOS gaming can really be! I highly recommend both titles.


Winter is Coming to iOS: Game of Thrones Game in the Works

Ahoy Mateys, Winter is Coming!Time for another Game-Centered, Featuring Updates,

The rumors have been confirmed! Telltale Games (the geniuses behind the critically acclaimed Walking Dead game) recently announced via Twitter, that they are in active talks with HBO to bring the hit saga Game of Thrones to iOS in 2014! Few details are to be had at this early stage, but as a huge fan of both Game of Thrones (both the Song of Ice and Fire novels as well as the HBO series) and Telltale Games’ Walking Dead game series, I can't wait!

If you can't see the short video embedded above, please click HERE.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new iOS episodic game becomes available earlier in 2014, rather than later! Is it too much to ask for a release that coincides with the eagerly anticipated new season of Game of Thrones which starts in March? Only time will tell. Stay tuned to iPhone Life for the details on this exciting new game as they emerge!

Product Review: nimblstand


Nimblstand ($39.99)

4.5 out of 5 stars

When I received the nimblstand with a Wacom Bamboo stylusto review, I was pretty excited. Even though the nimblstand I received is prototype quality, I could tell right away that it was going to work pretty well. It’s lightweight, solidly built, and easy to manipulate, but we’ll talk about all that later. First, I should explain what the heck this thing is!


The nimblstand is a dual-position easel that promises to fit 99 percent of all tablets or smartphones. It also fits an Apple Wireless Keyboard. The one I received came with a Wacom Bamboo stylus for maximum fun and versatility, and the stand has an inkwell that fits the Wacom Bamboo perfectly.

The manufacturers call this stand “future-proof” with patented “gravity nesting.” It will fit almost any device that’s out there now or any that will come in the future. This means that you won’t have to find a new stand when you get a new mobile device. That’s a big thumbs up in the sustainability department!

How it works

You can use the nimblstand in a couple of different ways, and setup is finished in a few quick steps. To use the stand in the extended mode for typing, simply slide your Apple Wireless Keyboard into the round slot on the stand until the keypboard is all the way in. Place your tablet or smartphone in either portrait or landscape orientation and voila! You’ve got yourself a stand, my friend.

You also have the option of using it in compact mode with your stylus instead of your keyboard by pulling out the extension wedge, guiding it into the slot and sliding it underneath the stand. Now your keyboard is safely held in place under your device and you’re free to place your device on the stand and use the inkwell to hold your stylus.

I tried the stand both ways with a variety of devices and it works equally well with all of them. One thing I would like to see on the inside of the stand is something that provides a little bit of a grip. If I were using this stand in a moving vehicle, I think my device would slide around a bit.

The verdict

In all I think this is a nice stand and it can be really handy. I like the size and the weight of it as well as the versatility and sustainability of such a universal design. The Wacom Bamboo stylus is a great addition and it also works well. I give this product a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It does not disappoint! I’d just like to see a little strip of something grippy inside to prevent devices from moving around.

Free App from Apple Offers 12 Days of Free Gifts


Apple has now made available its 2013 12 Days of Gifts app for free download in the App Store. In the past Apple has offered this app in other countries, but for the first time this year it's also available for download in the US. From December 26 to January 6, you'll be able to download a free gift each day: songs, apps, books, movies, and more. Each gift will only be available for 24 hours, so you'll want to check the app every day to see what's available.

By the way, according to a post on AppleInsider, Apple is also offering eight free Christmas songs as part of their "Holiday Cheer" promotion. You download the songs via the free Apple Store app. The offer expires December 31.

Explory: Is the Mobile Storytelling App the Anti-Vine?


Explory (free)

4.5 out of 5 stars

Nowadays, we have a wide range of options to choose from when we want to share moments and memories, but newly launched app Explory pops out of the bunch. Created for iPhones and iPads, Explory will take you beyond the limitations of sharing that you are used to.

True to their word, the creators of Explory enabled me to create my own little presentation within minutes. After signing in, I started off by choosing pictures and videos from my phone and played the part of the storyteller by narrating a line or two using the microphone. It initially took me a few seconds to figure out how to discard unwanted photos from my presentation, but that’s the most complicated thing I have experienced by far.

I typed in texts between chapters (I’m sure my wife would love to have these in different fonts for some added touch, by the way) and just a couple of taps here and there and viola…all I needed was the guts to hit publish and all the world would see how expert I can be in the kitchen making Waffle à la Steve.


Unlike slideshows, what sets Explory apart is that the viewer has control over which content to dwell on or what pace they would like to view your stories with by skipping or lingering. Explory also features synchronization of devices via the cloud and continuous publishing so you can tap away and share adventures with the world even while you are on our way to the next one. 

50 MB worth of ‘Explory-tions’ is currently offered free but if you want to get more creative, you can subscribe for additional storage: 

  • One month subscription – 1GB storage for one month for $1.99
  • One Year Subscription – 1GB storage for one year + higher quality photos and videos for $19.99
  • Plus Subscription – 5GB storage for one year + higher quality photos and videos for $59.99

This app requires iOS 6.0 or later, is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and is optimized for iPhone 5.

Explory succeeds in being anti-Vine as it gives people the freedom to express more, share more, and feel more. Overall, due to its simplicity and ease of usage, I would rate this app a 4.5 out of 5

Be done with the endless editing, just simply start enjoying.

Here's a sample Explory:

iOS 7 Tips & Tricks: Phone and FaceTime


Our iPhones and iPads are capable of amazing things, but most of us only use a small percentage of their abilities. In this weekly column I share tips and tricks for beginners, or anyone who wants to harness the full power of their iDevice. This week, I'm going to give you tips for making calls and using FaceTime like a pro.

1. Block Contacts

If there is someone who has your phone number and you don't want to talk to them, you can block them from calling you. First, add their number to your Contacts if the person or company isn't already there. Then go to Settings > Phone > Blocked and add them to the list. You can also block them in Messages or FaceTime by going to Settings > Messages > Blocked or Settings > FaceTime > Blocked.


2. Audio-Only FaceTime Chats

Ever want to make a FaceTime call, but don't want to comb your hair and look presentable? With iOS 7, you can now make audio-only FaceTime chats. Launch FaceTime on your iPhone, then tap on the contact you want to call. You will see a video camera icon, as well as a telephone handset icon. Tap the phone handset to being the audio-only call.


3. Free International Calling

My husband travels frequently, and to avoid extra charges when he's out of the country, we use FaceTime. It's only free though if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network. Make sure the person you are calling is in your Contacts list, then launch the FaceTime app and choose their name. Again, you have the choice of using video chat or just an audio call. And of course, the other person must have access to FaceTime as well.


4. Make Calls From Safari

I often look up phone numbers via Safari. Sometimes I want to find out what time a business closes or maybe place a to-go order from a restaurant. One of the things I love the most is that I don't have to find a pen and paper to write down the phone number once I find it. Safari shows me the phone number and makes the call for me when I tap on the number. 

3 Apps to Prepare You for Your Final Exams


For many college students across the country, finals are approaching and creating a lot of extra stress. The sources of this stress can stem from getting all of your study materials made and organized, forming study groups, and/or figuring out the lowest grade you can squeak out on the final to keep your current grade. I have found three apps helpful going into my third round of college final examinations and hopefully they will be beneficial to you as well.  

1. StudyBlue (free)

I found this website in high school, actually, when I was trying to find online flash-card makers. What I didn’t realize was the powerhouse study tool that this website would become. StudyBlue has since expanded into their app and has a database of already made flashcards from previous students available. For the English course I am in now, I’ve had the correct flashcards to study from this entire semester thanks to a previous student making them public on StudyBlue. They also have a function to keep notes (written and recorded) on the site or on your phone—they both update simultaneously. I’ve only had it crash on me once—last year during the peak of finals time—but other than that one incident, StudyBlue has been reliable and an extreme time-saver when it comes to studying efficiently.      

2.  Final Exam Calculator (free)

Final Exam Calculator is a very basic and useful app that lets you calculate what grade you need on your final exam. In the same vein, check out GPA Calculator (free) to figure out what grades you need in your courses to get your ideal GPA. 


3. OOHLALA (free)

OOHLALA is a little more interactive in that it connects you via Facebook to your classmates. This application is good year-round in that you input your schedule, it sends you push notifications about when you should be attending meetings, and you have the ability to say that you are studying for a class and would be available to study with another available classmate. It automatically imports your Google Calendar (I suggest un-checking the birthday notifications, they got old really quickly). Once you import your schedule, you can time your studying with their study timer/calculator, which suggests studying for 25 minutes, taking a 5 minute break, and then starting again. It tracks your studying over the semester as well. I found this really helpful when test time came. and it motivated me to avoid the distractions of my phone and other websites. 



I hope this gave you some ideas for your studying, and I wish you the best of luck. 

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